Saṅgha Gatherings
Our primary ongoing gathering is the Tuesday night Insight Meditation Satsang with Sean. This is a weekly meditation and discussion group focused on deepening in traditional Buddhist practice and exploring the links between individual & systemic liberation.
Our monthly book club is currently studying the Dīgha Nikāya (The Long Discourses of the Buddha). Beginners to Buddhist study are welcome, and new participants can join anytime. All previous sessions are recorded and available to course participants.
All of our gatherings are open to beginners and experienced meditators, and new folks are always welcome to drop in. Please join us if you would be supported by saṅgha (spiritual community) in this moment.
Groups are offered in the Gift Economy system, with donations invited to maintain the groups as an accessible Dharma resource for all.
Insight Meditation Satsang
with Sean Feit Oakes, PhD
Tuesdays 7:30-9:00pm (Pacific), Online
Learn more about Satsang here.
The Friday book club uses this same link, so participants can join calls here or through the link in the course.
Join our virtual saṅgha
Our FB group page, called “In It To End It,” is a place for community connection, event announcements, & practice discussion. Low drama. All are welcome.