Authentic Movement: Selective Bibliography

I assembled this bibliography in 2015 for my PhD dissertation. It’s not exhaustive, and focuses on the use of Authentic Movement both as an expressive therapeutic form and as a mystical spiritual discipline.

Adler, Janet. “Who is the witness? A description of authentic movement.” 2000) Authentic (1985).

Adler, Janet. “Body and soul.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 14, no. 2 (1992): 73-94.

Mysticism, direct experience is indescribable, kundalini, stages of mystical experience, 

Alder, Janet. “The collective body.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 18, no. 2 (1996): 81-94.

Evolution of AM from dyadic model to witness circle; group consciousness

Adler, Janet. Offering from the conscious body: The discipline of authentic movement. Inner Traditions/Bear & Co, 2002.

Adler, Janet. “American Dance Therapy Association 37 th Annual Conference Keynote Address: From Autism to the Discipline of Authentic Movement.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 25, no. 1 (2003): 5-16.

Alperson, Erma Dosamantes. “The creation of meaning through body movement.” Clinical psychology: issues of the seventies. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State Unjver (1974): 156-165.

Alperson, Erma Dosamantes. “Increasing Facilitator Effectiveness by Bridging Two Modes of Consciousness.” (1974).

Bacon, Jane. “Psyche moving:“Active imagination” and “focusing” in movement-based performance and psychotherapy.” Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy 2, no. 1 (2007): 17-28.

Bernstein, Penny Lewis. “A mythologic quest: Jungian movement therapy with the psychosomatic client.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 3, no. 2 (1980): 44-55.

Berson, Jessica. Building bodies politic: Community dance in the contemporary United States. University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2005.

Bickel, Barbara, and Tannis Hugill. “Re/Turning to her: An A/r/tographic ritual inquiry.” (2011).

Bloom, Katya. The embodied self: Movement and psychoanalysis. Karnac Books, 2006.

Bragante, Silvana. “Structure and counter-transference in authentic movement from a Reichian analytic perspective.” Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy 1, no. 1 (2006): 57-66.

Brown, Julie Joslyn, and Zoe Arlene K. Avstreih. “On synchrony.” The Arts in psychotherapy 16, no. 3 (1989): 157-162.

Callison, Darcey. “Personal bodies: Judith Koltai and the evolution of authentic movement practice.” In Actes du colloque international Dancing in the millennium, pp. 69-74. 2000.

Castle, J. “Calling Spirit Home: How Body Becomes Vessel for Spiritual Animation.” 2007). Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved. A Collection of Essays. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2007).

Chaiklin, Sharon, and Hilda Wengrower, eds. The art and science of dance/movement therapy: Life is dance. Taylor & Francis, 2009.

Chodorow, Joan. “Philosophy and methods of individual work.” Dance therapy: Focus on dance 11 (1974): 24-26.

Chodorow, Joan. “Dance/movement and body experience in analysis.” Jungian analysis (1982): 192-203. [HTML] from [HTML]

Chodorow, Joan. “To move and be moved.” Quadrant 17, no. 2 (1984): 39-48.

Chodorow, Joan. The body as symbol: Dance/movement in analysis. Chiron, 1986.

Chodorow, Joan. “Active imagination.” The handbook of Jungian psychology: Theory, practice, applications (2006): 215-243.

Cohen, Stefanie. “Sightless touch and touching witnessing: Interplays of Authentic Movement and Contact Improvisation.” Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices 2, no. 1 (2010): 103-112.

Corrigall, Jenny, Helen Payne, and Heward Wilkinson, eds. About a body: Working with the embodied mind in psychotherapy. Routledge, 2014.

Davis, Joan. “Maya Lila. Bringing Authentic Movement into Performance. The Process.” (2007).

Dosamantes-Beaudry, Irma. “Somatic transference and countertransference in psychoanalytic intersubjective dance/movement therapy.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 29, no. 2 (2007): 73-89.

Dyson, Clare. “The’authentic dancer’as a tool for audience engagement.” Dance Dialogues: Conversations Across Culture, Artforms and Practices: Refereed Proceedings of the World Dance Alliance Global Summit 2008 (2009): 1-12.

Ehrenreich, H. “Authentic Movement in relationship: Moving with self, moving with other.” In ADTA 28th Annual Conference Proceedings: Following Our Dreams: Dynamics of Motivation. Columbia, MD: ADTA. SOMATIC COUNTERTRANSFERENCE: THE THERAPIST IN RELATIONSHIP, vol. 191. 1993.

Enghauser, Rebecca. “The quest for an ecosomatic approach to dance pedagogy.” Journal of Dance Education 7, no. 3 (2007): 80-90.

Finisdore, Elizabeth Ann. “A comparison of Authentic Movement with Authentic Movement under a hypnotic trance.” PhD diss., Allegheny University of the Health Sciences [School of Health Professions, Department of Mental Health Sciences, Creative Arts in Therapy, Dance Therapy Program], 1997.

Fischman, Diana. “Therapeutic relationships and kinesthetic empathy.” The art and science of dance/movement therapy: Life is dance (2009): 33-53.

Frank, Gilda. “An approach to the center: an interview with Mary Whitehouse.” Psychological Perspectives 3, no. 1 (1972): 37-46.

Frieder, Susan. “Reflections on Mary Starks Whitehouse.” Authentic movement: Moving the body, moving the self, being moved. A collection of essays 2 (2007): 35-44.

Gluck, Joel. “Insight Improvisation.” IN CONTEXT: Antecedents in Meditation, Theater, and Therapy (2005). [PDF] from [PDF]

Goldhahn, E. “Authentic Movement and science.” A Moving Journal 10, no. 3 (2003): 12-15.

Goldhahn, Eila. “Is Authentic a meaningful name for the practice of Authentic Movement?.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 31, no. 1 (2009): 53-63.

Goldhahn, Eila. “Sculptural installations on the theme of obliteration: A response to themes embodied in the MoverWitness Exchange (Authentic Movement).” The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice 7 (2009).

Goodwin, Ariane. “Authentic Movement: From Embryonic Curl to Creative Thrust*.” The Journal of Creative Behavior 26, no. 4 (1992): 273-281.

Hämäläinen, Soili. “The meaning of bodily knowledge in a creative dance-making process.” Ways of knowing in dance and art 19 (2007). [PDF] from [PDF]

Hartley, Linda. “An Enquiry into Direct Experience: Authentic Movement and the Five Skandhas.” Self and Society 30, no. 1 (2002): 17-26. [PDF] from [PDF]

Haze, N. “Authentic Movement: Overview of origins, theory and practice.” (1993).

Haze, Neala, and Tina Stromsted. “An interview with Janet Adler.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 16, no. 2 (1994): 81-90.

Henderson, Madeleine, and Liane Gabora. “The recognizability of authenticity.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.4707 (2013). [PDF] from [PDF]

Hendricks, Kathlyn T. “What I Learned from Mary: Reflections on the Work of Mary Starks Whitehouse.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 32, no. 1 (2010): 64-68.

Hervey, LENORE WADSWORTH. “Artistic inquiry in dance/movement therapy.” Dance/movement therapists in action. A working guide to research options (2004): 181-205.

Homann, Kalila B. “Embodied concepts of neurobiology in dance/movement therapy practice.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 32, no. 2 (2010): 80-99.

Johnson, Don Hanlon. “Body practices and human inquiry: disciplined experiencing, fresh thinking, vigorous language’.” Berdayes, Vicente, Esposito, Luigi and Murphy, John W.(Eds.) (2004).

Knighton, Edmund. The lived experience of space through movement: A phenomenological study of spatial awareness. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, 2009.

Koch, Sabine C., and Diana Fischman. “Embodied enactive dance/movement therapy.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 33, no. 1 (2011): 57-72.

Koltai, Judith. “Authentic Movement: The embodied experience of text.” Canadian Theatre Review 78 (1994): 21-5.

Koltai, Judith. “Forms of Feeling—Frames of Mind: Authentic Movement Practice as an Actor’s Process.” Contact Quarterly 27, no. 2 (2002): 47.

Konopatsch, Ilka, and Helen Payne. “The emergence of body memory in Authentic Movement.” Body memory, metaphor and movement 84 (2012): 341.

Kossak, Mitchell S. “Therapeutic attunement: A transpersonal view of expressive arts therapy.” The arts in psychotherapy 36, no. 1 (2009): 13-18.

Lewis, B. P. “Psychodynamic ego psychology in developmental dance-movement therapy.” Theoretical approaches in dance movement therapy 1 (1986): 133-239.

Lewis, Penny P. “The expressive arts therapies in the choreography of object relations.” The Arts in Psychotherapy 14, no. 4 (1988): 321-331.

Lewis, Penny Parker. “The transformative process within the imaginal realm.” The Arts in psychotherapy 15, no. 4 (1989): 309-316.

Lewis, Penny. “Depth psychotherapy in dance/movement therapy.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 18, no. 2 (1996): 95-114.

Levy, Fran J. Dance/Movement Therapy. A Healing Art. AAHPERD Publications, PO Box 704, Waldorf, MD 20601, 1988. [PDF] from [PDF]

Levy, Fran J. “The evolution of modern dance therapy.” Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 59, no. 5 (1988): 34-41.

Lowell, Daphne. “Authentic movement: an introduction.” Contact Quarterly 27, no. 2 (2002): 13-17.

Lowell, Daphne. “Authentic Movement as a Form of Dance Ritual.” Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved-A Collection of Essays 2 (2007): 292.

Lovell, Suzanne Elizabeth. “From the heart of darkness: a personal and transpersonal experience in symbolic healing.” PhD diss., Union Institute, 1990.

Lucchi, A. B. “Authentic Movement as a training for private practice clinicians.” Unpublished doctoral (1998).

Meekums, Bonnie. “Embodiment in dance movement therapy training and practice.” Dance movement therapy: Theory, research and practice (2006): 167-183.

Musicant, Shira. “Authentic movement and dance therapy.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 16, no. 2 (1994): 91-106.

Musicant, Shira. “Authentic movement: clinical considerations.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 23, no. 1 (2001): 17-28.

Nemetz, Laurice D. “Moving with meaning: The historical progression of dance/movement therapy.” Creative arts Therapies manual (2006): 95-108.

Olsen, A. J. “Moving the question: Authentic movement as research.” A Moving Journal (1995): 7-8.

Olsen, Andrea. Body and earth: An experiential guide. Middlebury College Pr, 2002.

Olsen, Andrea J. “Being Seen, Being Moved.” Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved-A Collection of Essays 2 (2007): 321.

Pallaro, Patrizia, ed. Authentic movement: A collection of essays by Mary Starks Whitehouse, Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow. Jessica Kingsley, 1999.

Pallaro, Patrizia, ed. Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved-A Collection of Essays. Vol. 2. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.

Payne, Helen. “Authentic movement and supervision.” E-motion (2001). [PDF] from [PDF]

Payne, H. “The body as container and expresser: Authentic Movement groups in the development of wellbeing in our bodymindspirit.” About a body: Working with the embodied mind in psychotherapy (2006): 162-180.

Payne, Helen. “Tracking the web of interconnectivity.” (2006): 7-15.

Payne, Helen. “The lived experience of students in a dance movement therapy group.” Dance movement therapy: Theory, research and practice (2006): 184.

Payne, Helen. “Personal development groups in post graduate dance movement psychotherapy training: A study examining their contribution to practice.” The Arts in Psychotherapy 37, no. 3 (2010): 202-210.

Penfield, K. “Another royal road: Freudian thought applied to Authentic Movement.” Dance movement therapy: Theory research, and practice 2 (2006): 132-148.

Pesonen, Inari. “Inviting the unconscious to manifest: 1 process as a product? Authentic Movement and automatic drawing performed/exhibited.” Research in Dance Education 9, no. 1 (2008): 87-101.

Plevin, Marcia. “Journeying between will and surrender in authentic movement.” Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved-A Collection of Essays 2 (2007): 105.

Mason, Junia. “AUTHENTIC MOVEMENT: A SALVE FOR IMPOSTER PHENOMENON.” Review of Human Factor Studies 15, no. 1 (2009).

Riley, Shannon Rose. “Embodied perceptual practices: Towards an embrained and embodied model of mind for use in actor training and rehearsal.” Theatre Topics 14, no. 2 (2004): 445-471.

Rowe, Nancy Mangano. “Listening Through the Body.” The Wisdom of Listening (2003): 157.

Samaritter, Rosemarie. “The use of metaphors in dance movement therapy.” Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy 4, no. 1 (2009): 33-43.

Schug, Seran E. “Speaking and sensing the self in authentic movement: The search for authenticity in a 21st century white urban middle-class community.” Publicly accessible Penn Dissertations (2010): 110. [PDF] from [PDF]

Smith, Anne Hebert. “Authentic Movement.” Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved-A Collection of Essays 2 (2007): 194.

Spitzer, Shayne. “Embodied Implicit Memory.” In Cambridge 2001: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Congress for Analytical Psychology, pp. 327-328. 2001.

Steckler, Laura Hope. “Somatic soulmates.” Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy 1, no. 1 (2006): 29-42.

Stromsted, Tina. “Re-inhabiting the female body: Authentic movement as a gateway to transformation.” The Arts in Psychotherapy 28, no. 1 (2001): 39-55.

Stromsted, Tina. “embodied imagination: form grows from emptiness1.” Cape Town 2007: Journeys, Encounters-Clinical, Communal, Cultural (2009): 260.

Stromsted, Tina, and C. G. Jung. “The dancing body in psychotherapy: Reflections on somatic psychotherapy and authentic movement.” Authentic movement: Moving the body, moving the self, being moved (2007): 202-220. [PDF] from [PDF]

Stromsted, Tina. “The Discipline of Authentic Movement as Mystical Practice: Evolving Movements in Janet Adler‟ s Life and Work.” 2007). Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved. A Collection of Essays. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2007).

Stromsted, Tina. “Authentic Movement: A dance with the divine.” Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy 4, no. 3 (2009): 201-213. [PDF] from [PDF]

Taylor, Jamie. “Authentic movement: The body’s path to consciousness.” Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy 2, no. 1 (2007): 47-56.

Titchen, Angie, Brendan McCormack, Val Wilson, and Annette Solman. “Human flourishing through body, creative imagination and reflection.” International Practice Development Journal 1, no. 1 (2011): 1. [PDF] from [PDF]

Tortora, Suzi. “Our Moving Bodies Tell Stories, Which Speak of Our Experiences.” Zero to Three (J) 24, no. 5 (2004): 4-12.

Vulcan, Maya. “Is there any body out there?: A survey of literature on somatic countertransference and its significance for DMT.” The Arts in Psychotherapy 36, no. 5 (2009): 275-281.

Walden, Leslie Pamela. “Authentic movement: a phenomenological menthod with implications for dance, pedagogy, and qualitative research.” PhD diss., Temple University, 1998.

Wallock, Susan Frieder. “Reflections on mary whitehouse.” American Journal of Dance Therapy 4, no. 2 (1981): 45-56.

Weber, Rebecca. “Integrating semi-structured somatic practices and contemporary dance technique training.” Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices 1, no. 2 (2009): 237-254.

Whitehouse, Mary Starks. “Reflections on a metamorphosis.” Impulse (1970): 62-65.

Whitehouse, Mary. “Authentic Movement: Embodying the Individual and the Collective Psyche.”

Woods, Amberlee. “The use and function of altered states of consciousness within dance/movement therapy.” PhD diss., 2009. [PDF] from [PDF]

Wyman‐McGinty, Wendy. “The body in analysis: Authentic movement and witnessing in analytic practice.” Journal of Analytical Psychology 43, no. 2 (1998): 239-260.

Wyman-McGinty, Wendy. “Authentic Movement and Witnessing in Psychotherapy.” Special issue: Bulletin of Psychology and the Arts. The American Psychological Association (2002).

Wyman-McGinty, Wendy. “Growing a mind: The evolution of thought out of bodily experience.” In Edges of Experience: Memory and Emergence: Proceedings of the 16th International Congress for Analytical Psychology, p. 19. Daimon, 2006.

Wyman-McGinty, Wendy. “The contribution of authentic movement in supervising dance movement therapists.” 2008). Supervision of Dance Movement Psychotherapy. London and New York: Routledge (2008): 89-102.

Young, Courtenay, and Patrizia Pallaro. “A dance across the Atlantic: Correspondence on understanding the difference between definitions and whether dance/movement therapy is a body psychotherapy.” (2008): 125-132.

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