About this Course
This series works with an important early Buddhist meditation text, the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, or “Foundations of Mindfulness.” This text majestically lays out the Buddha’s discipline of mindfulness and embodied inquiry, guiding the practitioner through a profound inquiry into direct experience.
The teachings in this text are relevant for anyone who wants to apply mindful awareness to their activities, whether in formal sitting meditation, Yoga āsana, work, relationships, or personal growth. The class is oriented toward dedicated practitioners—either rooted in Yoga or Buddhist traditions—who want to learn more about the roots of their practice, but engaged beginners will also benefit.
In the course we read the translation in Anālayo, “Satipaṭṭhāna: The Direct Path to Realization”, (Windhorse, 2003). Purchasing the book is not required.
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